30 research outputs found

    Fuzzy alliance and coalitions that can be formed by alliance agents

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    The paper deals with alliances and coalitions that can be formed by the agents or entities. Alliance agents are assumed to cooperate and form coalitions for performing the tasks or missions. It is considered that alliance agents are unselfish. That is, they are more interested in achieving the common goal(s) than in getting personal benefits. In the paper, the concept of fuzzy alliance was introduced. A fuzzy alliance is considered as a generalization of a traditional alliance allowing agents to decide on the capabilities that their agents can and want to deliver to the coalition. Coalitions that fuzzy alliance agents can form were considered. The definition of the “best” coalition was explained. The method of how to find the “best” coalition among all possible coalitions was suggested and verified by computer simulation


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    The paper deals with the problem of developing probabilistic algorithm for system level self-diagnosis. The main goal of the suggested algorithm is to minimize the mean time of its executing. The algorithm is based on the computing of the posterior probability of fault-free state of each system unit. Final decision about unit’s state is made on the chosen decision rule. The execution of the probabilistic algorithm is elucidated with the help of simple example and then explained for the case of more complex systems.Artykuł opisuje problem projektowania probabilistycznego algorytmu autodiagnostyki na poziomie systemu. Głównym celem proponowanego algorytmu jest minimalizacja średniego czasu wykonania. Algorytm oparty jest na obliczeniach prawdopodobieństwa a posteriori bezawaryjnego stanu każdej jednostki systemu. Decyzja o stanie jednostki podejmowana jest na podstawie wybranej reguły decyzyjnej. Działanie algorytmu probabilistycznego zostało opisane na prostym przykładzie, a następnie wyjaśnione dla przypadku bardziej złożonych systemów


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    The paper deals with the problem of modelling of coalition formation. Petri Nets were suggested as they offer a simple way to graphically represent the coalition formation procedure, they allow to easily make changes in modelling procedure and there are many high-quality modelling tools. The authors do not provide complete modelling procedure, but only show that Petri Nets is a very effective tool for determining and parameter estimation of possible coalitions. An example is considered as well as conclusions about application of Petri Nets for modelling of coalition formation.Artykuł dotyczy problemu modelowania procesu powstawania koalicji. Jako rozwiązanie zaproponowano sieci Petriego, ponieważ zapewniają prosty sposób graficznej reprezentacji procedury tworzenia koalicji, pozwalają na łatwe wprowadzanie zmian w procedurze modelowania i wiele wysokiej jakości narzędzi do modelowania. Autorzy nie opisują pełnej procedury modelowania, lecz wykazują, że sieci Petriego są bardzo skutecznym narzędziem do określania i szacowania parametrów możliwych koalicji. Przedstawiono przykład, oraz wnioski dotyczące stosowania sieci Petriego do modelowania powstawania koalicji

    Comparison of intelligent control methods for the ore jigging process

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    Efficient control of the process of jigging ore of small and fine grain allows avoiding the loss of valuable material in production residual.  Due to the multi-dimensionality and multi-connectivity of this enrichment process, classical control methods do not allow achieving the maximum technological indicators of enrichment. This paper proposes investigating intelligent algorithms for controlling the jigging process, which determine the key variables - the level of the natural «bed» and the ripple frequency of the jigging machine. Algorithms are developed using fuzzy logic, neural and hybrid networks. The adequacy of intelligent algorithms was evaluated using the following criteria: correlation of expert and model values (R); Root Mean Square Error (RMSE); Mean absolute percentage error (MAPE). To assess the adequacy of the obtained algorithms, a test sample of input variables, different from the training one, was compiled. As a consequence, we determined an algorithm that gives a minimal discrepancy between the calculated and experimental data


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    System level self-diagnosis (SLSD) has been deeply investigated in literature. It aims at diagnosing systems composed by units, which are required to be able to test each other by exchanging information through available links. The article describes a simplified state-transition diagram model which gives a general impression of how checking, diagnosis and recovery can “conjointly” influence the system reliability and fault-tolerance. The model uses the integrated parameters and is very useful as a starting point and is a basis for further refinements.Autodiagnostyka na poziomie systemu jest szeroko opisywana w literaturze. Celem jest diagnostyka systemy składającego się z jednostek od których wymaga się aby miały możliwość wzajemnego testowania  za pośrednictwem dostępnych połączeń. W artykule przedstawiono uproszczony model oparty na diagramie przejść który daje ogólny pogląd, jak sprawdzanie, diagnostyka i powrót do warunków normalnych mogą wspólnie wpływać na niezawodność systemu i odporności na uszkodzenia. Model wykorzystuje zintegrowane parametry i jest bardzo przydatne jako punkt wyjścia dla dalszych udoskonaleń


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    The studies are devoted to the synthesis of the tracking control system of the flotation process based on the LQR-algorithm. The algorithm of finding the parameters of the optimal regulator is given. The results of modelling of the system with the regulator are obtained, and also the comparative analysis of the results of modelling of the system with and without the regulator is shown, which is performed with the help of Matlab software package and the Simulink toolkit.Badania poświęcone są syntezie nadążnego systemu sterowania procesem flotacji w oparciu o algorytm LQR. Podano algorytm wyszukiwania parametrów regulatora optymalnego. Uzyskano wyniki modelowania układu z regulatorem, a także przedstawiono analizę porównawczą wyników modelowania układu z regulatorem i bez regulatora, zrealizowaną za pomocą pakietu oprogramowania Matlab i biblioteki Simulink


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    In pulverised coal (PC) burners that are most widespread in Poland an individual air excess ratio rules an amount of pollution generated, yet there is a lack of method that allows measurement of output parameters of a burner. It is therefore necessary to use indirect methods, which could primarily include acoustic, and optical methods. These methods are non-invasive and can provide virtually not delayed and additionally spatially selective information about the combustion process. Additional problems are generated biomass co-firing. The article shows application of relatively new class of classification methods – the artificial immunology algorithms to the combustion process diagnostics consisting in detection of incorrect air excess in PC burner.W palnikach pyłowych, które są najbardziej rozpowszechnione w Polsce współczynnik nadmiaru powietrza decyduje o ilości emitowanych zanieczyszczeń, jednak brak metodyumożliwiającej pomiar parametrów wyjściowych palnika. Konieczne jest więc stosowanie metod pośrednich, do których można zaliczyć przede wszystkim metody akustyczne i optyczne. Metody te są bezinwazyjne i pozwalają na otrzymanie praktycznie nieopóźnionej i dodatkowo selektywnej przestrzennie informacji o zachodzącym procesie spalania. Dodatkowe problemy powstają przy współspalaniu biomasy. Artykuł przedstawia zastosowanie stosunkowo nowej klasy metod klasyfikacji - sztuczne algorytmy immunologiczne do diagnostyki procesu spalania polegająca na wykrywaniu nieprawidłowejwartości nadmiaru powietrza palnika pyłowego

    Improved method of searching the associative rules while developing the software

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    As the delivery of the good quality software in time is very important part of the software development process, it's very important task to organize this process very accurately. For this a new method of the searching associative rules where proposed. It is based on the classification of the all tasks on three different groups, depending on their difficulty, and after this, searching associative rules among them, which will help to define the time necessary to perform specific task by specific develope

    Modelling the one channel systems of a delivery of goods provided by unmanned aerial vehicles

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    In this article is revealed the systems of a good delivery witch implement unmanned aerial vehicles during providing the service. the one channel systems of a goods delivery are a goal of this research work. the close analysing of their functional features, the classification, the types and parameters of different systems from this band are presented. in addition, the modelling of the different types of the one channel systems of goods delivery are has done

    Development and analysis of symmetric encryption algorithm Qamal based on a substitution-permutation network

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    This paper represents a developed cryptographic information protection algorithm based on an substitution-permutation network. We describe the cryptographic transformations used in the developed algorithm. One of the features of the algorithm is the simplicity of its modification with regard to different security levels. The algorithm uses a pre-developed S-box tested against differential and linear cryptanalysis. The S-box is consistent with the one of known standards AES and GOST R 34.12-2015. We provide the findings of an avalanche-effect investigation and statistical properties of cipher texts. The algorithm actually meets the avalanche-effect criterion even after the first round